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Martha Street Quarant-Zine

Martha Street Art Night, based on unceded Muwekma Ohlone territory (known as San José), was created in 2018 in response to a lack of spaces for artists in our community come together, co-create, and share our art with one another. Starting as a DIY art & music space (prior to the pandemic), we cultivate space for artistic exchange, community co-creation, and authentic connection. 


Over the past year and a half, we have shifted to using the Martha Street Quarant-Zine as a platform for spotlighting and connecting artists from San Jose/South Bay/Oakland area. We have since released 4 issues and are now releasing our 5th. The voices of Black & Indigenous Artists & Artists of Color are centralized/ amplified in this zine. We are documenting the creative community here and now, we are documenting the history of our community through the reflections and work of artists.

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Martha Street Quarant-Zine Issue #8: Compost
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